You grew up with one and the same family and suddenly you're living together with people who are used to other rules and habits? It might not be the easiest thing on earth, but in the end, you decide how good it's gonna work. So let me give you some advices that could help you:
1. Be open-minded and accept the differences
1. Be open-minded and accept the differences
Living in your host family IS GOING TO BE DIFFERENT than what you're used to at home, but honestly: that's what you signed up for. And remember: new and different doesn't mean it's worse. You will probably have to get used to new rules, different food, another religion, new ways to spend family time, and different dealing with each other. Adapting is a good learning experience and part of expanding your horizons.
2. Get to know your family
Give your best to really get to know the members of your family! You might find similarities that will make it easier to connect. You're gonna live with them, as a family, so you really should know them pretty close.
Honestly, communication might be the key to a good exchange year. Your host family can't read your mind, especially not in the beginning. So talk! Talk when there is something that makes you sad, talk when you're happy, talk when you need help! Let them know if you're planning on doing something and where you are. Ask questions and share your culture! Say please and thank you. Talking doesn't only help you to improve your language skills, it will also help you so much to get closer to your family and make sure that you're on the same page. Give them an easy way to contact you, as well!
4. Spend as much time as possible with them
DON'T STAY IN YOUR ROOM! That will be your biggest mistake ever. Be part of the activities! Eat together! Help with chores! Just take the time to talk. A big part of why my exchange year was so perfect, was my host family, but we could have never gotten so close when I wouldn't have wanted to spend time with them.
5. Try to help
Remember it isn't your house and take care of your own things... no dirty dishes in your room, run the vacuum... Ask if they need help and if you have chores, do them! Try to behave and always say thank you and please. YOU'RE ARE NOT LIVING AT A HOTEL!
6. Establish and confirm house rules
Another family, other rules! It was your decision, so try to give your best in confirm to the rules your family has. They need to trust you! Be ready at a certain time. Be home and text when you're supposed to. If they don't allow you something, try to think in their perspective. They probably just want to protect you. When my family didn't allow me riding in a car with a friend in the middle of a snowstorm, I was mad, but they were just worried. You probably are gonna have stricter rules in your host family than at home, but that's ok and you can do it!
You probably got it by now, but people are different. So if your family aren't people like you used to know, don't be shocked. Try to get to know them and find the good things in their personalities.
8. Be fair and honest when there are problems
Number one: Talk to your family first! Maybe you complain to your coordinator and he or she to your family, but they didn't even know it's bothering you and they can fix it very easily. That just destroys your relationship! Number two: You don't get along with your family and want to change? Still, be honest and don't make up stories, because especially in a small town everyone will know and maybe it's not working with you, but another exchange student would be very happy in that family.
9. Be thankful
Your host family is investing time, money, and love in you! Never take hosting as no big deal, because it is! You might think you're experiencing a big adventure, but they are too! You being there is new for them too and they will have to change things. So be thankful for everything! Getting picked up from somewhere, going out for dinner, going places so that you experience as much as possible, just the time they take to talk to you,...
10. Enjoy your time with them
You don't get to live with them
forever, so enjoy the time you do get to spend with them. Friendships can be
picked, but your host family picked you, so you're very special to them and I
hope so much you'll get along with them! And hopefully, you'll stay in touch
after you've left, because your family will have influenced you SO MUCH and
they deserve to be a part of your life forever!
Living with a host family can be challenging, and some people will get a
better fit than others. Everyone has ups and downs, you will too. But there is
nothing better than having a loving and caring family in a new place. My host
family was the best, most loving, caring, supporting, and fun host family I
could have asked for and I can't even describe how much I miss them. My year
wouldn't have been the same without these people and I'm super
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